Thursday, March 5, 2009

dinochickens are following me.

exhibit a:

jonathan read this article to me on tuesday about dr. jack horner and his island of dr. mereau bullshit. i still wholeheartedly believe dr. jack horner (sat in a corner) is made up.

exhibit b:

im reading this bryson book and, i swear to god, i open the book to where i left off and what is the next paragraph about!!?!? none other than TITANUS WALLERI, a giant dinochicken that roamed the earth millions of years ago. ugh. disgusting.

exhibit c:

my horoscope this week:

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): The closest modern relative of the Tyrannosaurus rex may be the chicken, says geneticist John Asara. He came to this conclusion after studying traces of tissue from a 68-million- year-old bone of the king of dinosaurs. I invite you to draw inspiration from this theory, Gemini. Try the following thought experiment. Envision a couple of monstrous influences from your past -- big bad meanies who hurt you or scared you. Imagine they were like Tyrannosaurus rexes back then. Close your eyes and see their faces glaring from the beast's skull. But then imagine that in the intervening months and years they have devolved and shrunk. Picture them now as clucking chickens pecking at seeds in the dirt. Can you see their faces at the top of their bobbing, feathery bodies?

WHAT THE FUCK. NO! I DO NOT WANT TO THINK ABOUT CHICKENS. p.s. is it obvious that i hate birds and love dinosaurs?

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