Sunday, April 19, 2009

my blog's email?

apparently is i don't really even know what a blog email is. do i use it? does my blog use it? does it have a good spam filter?

all that aside, i wonder if i picked that a long time ago. because my nickname (via amelia) is sister squirell. but i don't remember at all choosing anything of the sort. so that leads me to believe that was just a 'random' generation by the intelife.

also i don't think i would instinctually go for that address.*

yet another example of the internet being a sentient (read: creepy) being, infiltrating my life, throwing out little threats here and there that it knows knows everything about you.


*for how all-knowing this web is, the spell check on this blog is downright stupid. it doesn't recognize half the words i type and then it makes me feel crazy. (all part of the plan) it doesn't recognize DOESN'T. and then i sit here looking at it, squinting, thinking 'wait WAIT. am i maybe not putting the apostrophe in the right spot??? that's right...wait maybe it isn't...' and so it goes for about 2 minutes. 2 minutes of crazy and then i google it and then of course that goes on to my compilation of things i google and that takes the interest factor of the list down to somewhere around negative 74.

i think andy kaufman was reincarnated as the internet.

1 comment:

Happy Cuties said...

isn't it squirrel?

p.s. my word is crant. that sounds like a cunty rant or some version of cramp. yo, stop crantin my style!