i was an evacuee of hurricane ike this past weekend. and i have to say that i'll be a hurricane evacuee ANY DAY. as long as i'm evacuating to the hill country with one sister, one sister's love, one sister's love's daughter, two sister's friends, one cat, two dogs, 19 bottles of wine, 3 cases of beer, 6 and a half tons of food, and a healthy dose of various parent-like family figures.
ok seriously these photos are beyond out of order. im just going to caption them. but i will tell you this: we'll never do an ftg hurricane ike. i think i'm actually doing the opposite of ftg.

the first night i stayed in the 'fish room' and since i was a little tipsy, my mind was getting absolutelyfuckingblown by the names of some of these fish. i mean, not really. but some of them were hilarious.

this is riley. her initials are r.a.d. and that's exactly right. here she is giving a demo on her new found proficiency in all things gymnastic. see, the good thing about her is that watching her exist gives me a reassuring feeling that i wasn't a total weirdo as a child. i too, if forced to sit still for too long would feel compelled to get up and perform a spontaneous backbend. nbd. just had to stretch those limber limbs.

and here is her face. i think her father (my sister's love) is putting the final touches on a machine that will keep her from puberty forever as i type this. at least i hope so. if not he's going to have to hire a personal assistant to keep track of all her dates.

so these are two of my favorite things about going home: spanish moss and mexican food. wut wut! i love you south.

i fear this photo jumps way too far ahead. but you reader, are none the wiser. to you this just looks like some magical southwestern tableau. and that it is, except it's real, not arranged. these are the roots i grow from.

oh hi dog! what's your name? dublin? is that spanish for i'm so beautiful? great.

ok. i just want to try to communicate the comfort, rapture, and love that swallows my soul when my sister makes this dish for me... hmm... try to picture a baby falling in love with a pony and them both weeping tears of joy as they bound over rainbows of light and hills made of money. got it? now times that by 1,000 native princesses all singing your praises in unison.
not even close.

more fish. (lil' scamper!)

another fantastic feature of west texas: once you enter someone's property you have to go through multiple gates to get anywhere at all. it's like fort knox, except instead of keeping people from stealing gold, these gates keeps cows from stealing grass.

what an expansive vista.

this is the river. there's another photo. this is where i took a 2 hour nap in an innertube and nearly got a sunburn. that's about as close to disaster as i came. there aren't any photos of me doing this because again i was drinking and luckily i have the foresight to know (with absolute certainty) that my phone would be at the bottom of the river in about 4 seconds had i brought any closer to it.

i'm not a great scrabble player.

oh. oh hai. oh hai other puppy. you say your name is huxley? shut up or ill eat your feet. it really doesn't get any cuter.

this is my sister and her love. in a fight. she probably wanted to tear off my arm for taking this photo. but i think it was worth it. they don't fight a lot, but the majority of them stem from things so minor that this is what they look like during said fights. totally normal. they could very well be watching the daily show. actually i think they are.
*i'd like to note that it's maybe 11 am. this isn't in any way in reference to the drinks.
**yes it is.
***they're both mine. whoops.

i decided to go outside and take a photo of the quincenera pavillion before my sister tried to kill me.

oh. hai.

this is a post oak. a most missed love of my life. it is such a beautiful tree that is, to me, so representative of my home. if you live in ny, i suggest going to
the hill country bbq joint to experience something of this beautiful tree, which they import from the actual hill country to smoke their meat. i work near there and sometimes go just to smell their wood pile.
what did i just say?

some cacti.

the second night i stayed in the pheasant room. i think. at any rate this is only one of many pheasant-centric pieces of art.

yet another glorious vista.

more of the river.

i went on a walk saturday afternoon. i was looking for the barbado sheep that live on the property. can you guess what i'm doing here?

another post oak. majestic enough?
also seriously so out of order. please try to follow.

i found this can on my walk in a dry river bed. yeah. i know what a dry river bed looks like. anyways it was the plan to bring it home with me. but that didn't happen. :(

guess what those are.

barbado sheep! oh they were so curious.

these bastards are EVERYWHERE. ever seen the movie ants? it was like that.

and all of a sudden we're back to scrabble on the porch.

and all of a sudden we're not.

this is the best photo of the river. it really captures what it's about. gigantic trees. and rocks. and spiritual purity.

more barbado sheep. a few photos back i was sitting doing 'nothing'. what i was really doing was sitting in the middle of these poor guys' dinner, pretty much forcing them to be near me. sheep whisperer son!

back at the ranch (literally) sunset is too glorious for words.

if you put lipstick on a pig it's still a pig. well...what about a pigfish?

what can be done when your hometown's under water and you can't hold a funeral for your grandfather? wineries. go to wineries.

this sign made me think of eli whitney.

if you ever find yourself in sisterdale, tx go to sister creek winery. it's the best.

the texians' flag from the battle for texas independence from mexico. cheeky.


give me land lots of land under starry skies above. don't fence me in. let me ride through that wide open country that i love. don't fence me in. let me be by myself in the evening breeze. listen to the murmur of the post oak trees. send me off forever but i ask you please. don't. fence. me. in. (at the very least gimme keys to the gate.)


this place wasn't great. at all. i can't remember the name but just don't go there.

maybe the only thing that was good.


we were tired of the wineries so we decided to go to a wine bar...

my dad showed up at this point, acting WAY TOO COOL. the jerk wouldn't even take off his sunglasses. PFFFFF.

we had the bug book out for like an hour trying to categorize this guy and got nowhere. cue nightmares.

re-elect? what the...

and of course no trip home is complete without my 3 liter 'medium' dr. pepper from jack in the box.