Thursday, October 23, 2008

i have a mouse*

so disgusting. i saw it this morning. and then i went to unpack one of my many un-unpacked weekend bags and there were plastic shredded pieces all over my stuff and a hole in this container of my dogs food. yuck. mouse fur touched my clothes. i wonder if it sits in my bed and reads my alloy catalogs when i'm not there.

also in the bag was my stock of psychadelic drugs, which definitely wasn't this empty.

somewhere in my house there is a very stoned mouse.

*i was at krissy's house last night and was very professionally informed by denise that i, in fact, have a rat, not a mouse, as only a rat could've chewed through my tupperware. really? great.

1 comment:

Denise said...

ha, 1. truuuuuue but 2. i'm pretty sure we just talked about it as if it was a rat from moment one, like i thought u had actually said rat to begin with, not me! man! why can't anyone blog my quotes correctly!!!!