Tuesday, February 3, 2009

last night

i went to see christian tetzlaff and lief ove andsnes at carnegie hall. i never really get to do things such as that, but i had bought my boss 2 tickets to the performance and he was really kind to invite me to be his date.

i can't say that i know much about classical music. i know it helps me clean, relax, feel good about myself, and most importantly drive home when it's late and i'm a little buzzed. try it. actually - don't try it.

thank god for a good friend of mine who is getting his doctorate in music theory at yale. as it stood, i found myself staring at the carnegie hall with more than slight apprehension. it's very overwhelming!

they played janacek, brahms, mozart, and schubert and some encores, two encores! it was beautiful but i had nothing to contribute to the ohs and ahs around me that were expressed at various intervals. nevertheless i loved it. my mind wandered like it was astral traveling. i think i saw beyond the future.

here are some places i went

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